Telescope history pdf worksheets

The space journal is one of the leading magazines on space exploration, technology and industry. Telescopes activities, worksheets, printables, and lesson. A telescope is an instrument used to see objects that are far away. What do astronomers predict about the future of the universe. Hubble space telescope worksheet by m stevens science tpt. If your eyes were bigger, you could see many more stars. Alphabet worksheets sight words math worksheets mazes 50 states education teaching monthly themes january february march april may june july august september october november december. Several men laid claim to inventing the telescope, but the credit usually goes to hans lippershey, a dutch lensmaker, in 1608. The teacher will set a time limit for the activity. Getting ready the first day should serve as a general introduction to telescopes. Telescopes are the fundamental research instruments that enable astronomers to. Ga li l eos ba tt le for the he aven s a i r i n g o c t. Hubble space telescope worksheets articles room space.

Using only the objective lens and some tissue paper fastened to the other end of the tube, form an image of the three colored lights. Telescopes from the ground up telescope timeline worksheet. After 1809, fraunhofer was already a partner of the firm and in charge of building optical instruments. However, to see other objects in space, or to see some objects better, you need a telescope. Identify the consonant blend in the word telescope. O r g n o va g a l i l eo what to do 1 measure out an 18inch length of string. This is due at the end of class on monday, october 25. This worksheet gives students practice identifying telescopes and explaining their differences. Telescope timeline assessment worksheet pdf, 24 kb telescope timeline assessment worksheet answer key. Tes global ltd is registered in england company no 02017289 with its registered office at 26 red lion square london wc1r 4hq. Sixth grade may be the first year of middle school and with that comes many adjustments and new encounters. The hubble space telescope hst is the most famous and probably most successful space observatory ever flown. A brief history of the telescope and ideas for use in the.

Then, have fun doing one or both of the word puzzles that use the important words in the article. Describe the similarities and differences of several types of astronomical telescopes, including at. In 1609 an italian physicist and astronomer named galileo became the first person to point a telescope skyward. Determine what the authors purpose for writing the story may be.

Stars, galaxies, and the universe the expanding universe. Ngst taking a closer look 1 james webb space telescope. Galileo was the first person to use a telescope for astronomy, but he did not invent them. Polashenski university of hawaii, summer 2001 astr 699 topics in astronomy education professor karen meech introduction despite the inseparability of astronomy and physics since the scientific revolution, few. History of photography in astronomical measurements highlights the interplay of. At room, we share a common objective advancement of peaceful space exploration for the benefit of humankind, all while bringing you comprehensive articles on an array of popular topics. Galileo galilei was born in pisa, italy, on february 15, 1564. Telescope timeline answers below are 14 important events in the development of telescopes. Try all worksheets in one app teach your mini astronomer the tools of the trade with this delightfully fun and puzzling space maze worksheet.

Although that telescope was small and the images fuzzy, galileo was able to make out mountains and craters on. Explore the history of telescopes from galileo to the great observatories. Early in the history of the universe, matter, primarily the light atoms. Ga li l eos ba tt le for the he aven s a i r i n g o c t o b e r 2 9, 2 0 0 2 w w w. Find history of astronomy lesson plans and teaching resources. Telescopes from the ground up grab bag amazing space. Students will navigate through to answer the questions. All of these telescopes are designed to collect light and bring it to a focus point so that it can be magnified by an eyepiece, however each design does it in a different manner. Their goal is to arrange these events from earliest occurring to most recent. Telescopes make faraway things look bigger, brighter and closer.

See the fact file for more information on the galileo galilei or alternatively, you can download our 23page galileo galilei worksheet pack. Telescopes c o o r d i n a t e d s c i e n c e 1 background. The history of the telescope, dover publications, 2003. Describe why each event was important in the history of telescopes and arrange the events in the correct sequence.

Two small pieces of glass teachers guide state museum of. This bundle contains 11 readytouse hubble telescope worksheets that are perfect for students who want to learn more about the hubble space telescope hst which is one of the most famous telescopes. Galileo galilei facts, worksheets, scientific experiments. Analyzing star trails students examine and analyze a star trail photo taken by an earth science student in new york state. Quiz questions assess your knowledge of the hubble space telescope s location and its advanced knowledge. Scientists and amateur astronomers use many different types of telescopes. Test your ability to understand the hubble space telescope with this quiz and worksheet combo.

The invention of the telescope is often attributed to hans lippershey. Kids learn about telescopes in the science of physics including lenses, mirrors, refracting, reflecting, the history, and the hubble space telescope. Rigor and complexity increase as students are expected to utilize and sharpen the skills they have learned in the preceding grades in order to work at a high level and to prepare for high school, college, and career. Galileo galilei improved on lippersheys design and was the first to. A brief history of the telescope and ideas for use in the high school physics classroom michael j. A single period activity that can be used to include discussion of. Identify the spelling word that is a compound word. In this satellite drag and hubble space telescope worksheet, students solve two problems using a graph showing the altitude of the satellite vs. Two appendices appendix a the physics of basic optics for. Choosing the location for a telescope, the speed of light, creating a. Telescope timeline assessment worksheet answer key pdf, 32 kb. Your three options are persuade, inform, or entertain. Telescope types and designs there are three basic types of optical telescopes refractor, newtonian reflector and catadioptric. Constellations and the stars that make them up are visible with the unaided eye.

Page 1 of 2 planet riddles super teacher worksheets. Circling our planet every 96 minutes, the hst has so far travelled some 5 billion km. This is the description for the mission to mars project. Astronomers theorize that billions of years ago, the universe was no larger than the period at the end of this sentence. Activities for the classroom nasa space place nasa. Many resources have been developed for students and are available online. Telescopes in history encyclopedia of astronomy and strophysics multiple mirror telescope mmt, which was built on mount hopkins in arizona in 1977. The first day focuses on introducing students to the telescope and galileo. Each lesson consists of a manual for the teacher, followed by a template for. Stars, galaxies, and the universe the expanding universe key concepts what is the big bang theory. This website and its content is subject to our terms and conditions. Galileo may thus claim to have invented the refracting telescope independently, but not until he had heard that others had done so. His mom had asked him what he wanted as a gift this year.

For the activity make your own telescope you will need the correct lenses. Fractions place value time and calendar money earth day solar system analogies nouns following directions listening capitalization cursive writing patterns and. G l d o d eye 2 using our assumed telescope, the light grasp is calculated to be. Telescope is a device that permits distant and faint objects to be viewed as if they were much brighter and closer to the observer. Marty thought for the past few weeks about what he would like. Below are 14 important events in the development of telescopes. Telescope as time machine students read about how the galaxy evolution explorer galex spacecraft is looking into the ancient history of the universe. History and timeline of astronomy activity by lucas talley. History of telescopes the invention of the telescope is often attributed to hans lippershey, an optician who, in 1608, aligned two lenses of different curvatures and focal lengths. A telescope is an important tool for astronomy that gathers light and directs it to a single point. Telescopes and appendix b additional details for laboratories and activities are found. Telescope worksheet one set of colored pencils, 4 to 8 pencils per set. The 11 tonne telescope was placed into a 570 km high orbit around earth by the space shuttle in april 1990. Learning about telescopes teachervision teachervision.

Your child will have a blast working through the maze while learning how the telescope allows scientists to study the galaxy. From ancient astronomy worksheets to astronomy history people videos, quickly find. As you read about the history and development of telescopes, the scientists who built and used them, and the discoveries made with them, take notes that will help you determine the significance and timeline of. They will identify the advantages of using a radio telescope and compare it to reflecting and refracting telescopes.

What discovery did aristotle make, and how did he figure this out long before 1492. Galileo galilei was an italian scholar best known for his scientific contributions in physics, astronomy, cosmology and philosophy. In this space science printable, students will answer questions about lenses in a refracting telescope, the kind of device galileo. By lofting telescopes and other scientifspacebased astronomy activity guide for science, mathematics, and technology education1 introduction if you go to the country,far from city lights,you can see about 3,000 stars on a clear night. It is the first optical space observatory telescope.

Star color and temperature worksheet due monday november 1st. A new telescope it was coming up on martys birthday. He thought maybe a new bicycle, or maybe a new camera, a new basketball, or a telescope. Some do this with curved mirrors, some with curved lenses, and some with both.

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